April 15, 2011 4.35 pm This story is over 165 months old

Mini Day brings (more) cars to the city

Big Mini collection: Lincoln will be playing host to a Mini cars event along the Brayford this weekend.

The Lincoln BIG Mini Day will be making its return to Lincoln this weekend, with 200 Minis expected to be lined up for people to gaze at.

The event, which will be on April 17 along Brayford Wharf North, is hosted by Lincoln BIG and the Trent Valley Mini Owners Club.

The Minis will be a wide array of types, from new to old, tweaked, tuned, customised to standard. Owners will be on hand to chat with people too.

Lincoln BIG events and promotions manager Michael Armstrong said: “Our Mini Day is always a real winner with all ages and it brings a real buzz to Brayford Wharf North.

“This year we could see double the usual number of vehicles.”

The first Minis were the Morris Mini-Minor and the Austin Seven, created in 1959. The Mini Cooper followed after John Cooper got BMC to tweak the models.

Since then, there have been a host of other models, including the CooperS, the Mini-traveller, Mini-van Mini pick-up, the Clubman and the high-performance 1275GT.

Most recent and popular have been the BMW models.

Lincoln BIG Mini Day 2011 is partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Source: Lincoln BIG