April 4, 2011 8.01 am This story is over 158 months old

New NHS Trust launches in Lincolnshire

Independence: With a £100 million budget, NHS Community Health Services move away from the Primary Care Trust.

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust will be moving away from the Primary Care Trust and instead form an independent Trust.

The Department of Health approved the change last year, and will see 2,800 nurses, health professionals and support staff from the PCT move to the new NHS Trust.

The new organisation has a budget of £100 million and will provide care for people in the county at home or close to home.

The new Chairman of Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) Dr Don White said: “Insightful leadership and clinical experience will be key to securing the success of Lincolnshire Community Health Services as an aspiring Community Foundation Trust.

“The successes achieved by everyone as they worked to establish themselves as an independent provider are as a direct result of the dedicated staff who genuinely live the values of the organisation every day in putting people and patients first.”

Chief Executive of the new Trust Ellen Smith said: “I have been proud to lead Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust to this milestone in our future.

“As an independent organisation we will have more freedom to respond locally to the needs of our patients and communities and to deliver services tailored to those specific needs.

“Becoming an independent Trust means that our services and our staff will remain within one organisation.

“There will be no change to the services we deliver and patients will continue to enjoy those relationships with our nurses and health professionals that they value so highly.”

LCHS will be holding an event at University Health Services on April 4 from 10am to let people ask any questions they have about the changes.

Source: NHS Lincolnshire