May 27, 2011 2.46 pm This story is over 157 months old

Green bins for all arrive in August

Three stages: The City Council will start rolling out green waste collection bins across the city from August.

City of Lincoln Council will finally expand its green waste collection service city-wide from August.

Following a contract renegotiation with Cory Environmental, the council’s cleaning services provider will bring city-wide green waste collections in three stages.

In the first stage, people in existing green bin areas, who don’t have a bin but have requested one, will receive a letter soon to check if a green bin is still needed. These bins should be issued by the end of August.

Stage two tackles those who live in areas that are known to have a general demand for a service, but where one isn’t supplied currently, such as parts of Abbey and Park wards, including Sincil Bank and Monks Road.

They will receive letters inviting requests for a green waste bin during June and July. The council says these bins should be delivered in the autumn.

Finally, at stage three, the rest of Lincoln, including anyone in green waste areas who isn’t on the waiting list, will be invited to request a green waste service. This should be publicised in August, and services should be in place by the end of the year.

The City Council said no second or additional bins will be provided as part of the extended service. Only 27,000 households in the city are currently offered green bin collections.

Renewed contract

The City Council has held two separate contracts with Cory Environmental since 2006: one for waste management and one for cleansing and grounds maintenance.

The extended contracts (until 2020) would cost the council less for all the services provided, an estimated saving of £178,500 each year on operating costs.

Some £250,000 available immediately from Cory Environmental to allow the council to buy wheeled bins.

The extension agreement was signed at the end of April and started in May.

Steve Bird, Head of Community Services, Leisure and Sport at the City of Lincoln Council, said: “We are delighted that we have been able to secure significant savings, amounting to over £1.6 million pounds over the life of the contract, whilst at the same time protecting most areas of the service, and indeed enhancing some.

Jerry Greaves, Area Contract Manager for Cory Environmental Services, added: “We are pleased that our efforts to strive for improving services have been recognised by the council.

“Cory takes very seriously its commitment to Lincoln, and its workforce – who are predominantly Lincoln residents – and we are both proud of the work they do and enthusiastic about being given the opportunity to work with the council into the future.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council