May 18, 2011 4.30 pm This story is over 164 months old

Rottweiler banned from area after attack

Nasty attack: A rottweiler owner has been issued a Dog Control Order after an attack on another pet.

A man in Lincoln has been issued with a Dog Control Order after his Rottweiler attacked another dog.

The City of Lincoln Council bought the civil action forward with Magistrates against the dog’s owner Nigel Lanarch (60) of Browning Drive, Lincoln.

The restriction means Lanarch’s pet, when in public places, must be muzzled and kept on a lead at all times. He also cannot take his dog around Lamb Gardens, Swift Gardens, Addison Drive and The Oval.

A Dog Control Order was presented after a PCSO witnessed the attack by Lanarch’s dog on another dog on February 24.

Lanarch lost control of his Rottweiler, which then went on to attack a dog being walked nearby.

The victim pet ended up with two puncture wounds on the rump and a further wound on the left hindleg, both of which needed veterinary treatment.

Animal Warden Julie Nelder said: “At the hearing, Mr Lanarch admitted that his dog was not under control and we’re pleased that a Dog Control Order was granted by the Magistrates.

“We now hope that Mr Lanarch realises the seriousness of this order and keeps to the conditions of it. I would also like to remind dog owners that they have a responsibility to keep there dog under proper control at all times.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Dogsblog