May 26, 2011 5.58 pm This story is over 164 months old

Top 5 local ales at Lincoln Beer Festival

LocAle: We went to the Drill Hall to test the local ales on offer at the Beer Festival and find out what’s worth a sip.

The 2011 Lincoln Beer Festival runs from Thursday, May 26 through to Saturday, May 29, so The Lincolnite went to the Drill Hall to test the local ales on offer and find out for you what’s worth a sip.

Over 90 types on beer are on sale, and all local brewed beer is marked with the LocAle scheme. Organiser Steve Redshaw said “All breweries which are within 25 miles of the venue [Lincoln Drill Hall] have been LocAle to show that they’re local.”

Here are five local ales you should try at the Lincoln Beer Festival 2011:

Summer Swallow

1. Summer Swallow

Brewed by Batemans of Wainfleets in Lincolnshire, this beer matches its light golden airy appearance and it’s lightly sweet, but leaves a strong refreshing after taste.

Dark Mild

2. Dark Mild

Brewed by Batemans, Dark Mild recently won bronze in Mild category at the Society of Brewers’ National Awards. As the name suggests, it’s mild but with a unique flavour of dark chocolate mixed with caramel flavouring.

Imp Ale

3. Imp Ale

Especially brewed for the Beer Festival by Poachers of North Hykeham, the ale celebrates the relaunch of the Lincoln CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) magazine. The flavour of the ale is tough on the taste buds but is worth it for the refreshing distinctive aftertaste.

Grantham Gold

4. Grantham Gold

Brewed in Grantham by Newby Wyke, this beer resembles a glass of Coke in taste and appearance. The taste itself is quite mild with a strong resemblance to a strong caffeine-based drink.


5. K2

The 2,000th brew from Oldershaws brewery in Grantham comes out as bearably sour enough to warrant another sip whilst leaving a citrus-like aftertaste.

To check out the beers yourself, the Lincoln Beer Festival at the Drill Hall continues on Friday, May 27 (12-4pm – admission £2, 4-11pm – admission £3) and Saturday, May 28 (11am-11pm – admission £3). CAMRA members recieve free admission throughout the duration of the event.