July 15, 2011 10.51 am This story is over 155 months old

City council plan to bring back allotment site

Allotment demand: Plans that could see more than forty uphill allotment sites brought back into use have been revealed.

The City Of Lincoln Council has announced plans to reintroduce the availability of more than fourty uphill allotment plots.

Following frustration from those currently on the allotment waiting list, the City Council has now saw it fit to propose that a total of 44 unused allotment spaces on Yarborough Crescent are brought back into use.

The City of Lincoln Council took the plots at Yarborough Crescent out of use a decade ago in 2002 following low demand, with an ambition to sell the land for residential purposes.

However, these plans never came to fruition and the intention now, following an increased demand for allotments, is to reinvest into the area.

Plans drawn up in a Executive report (PDF download) recommend that the Yarborough Crescent patch is reintroduced as allotment space as soon as possible, with the potential of a £40,000 one-time investment at the overgrown site.

Deputy Leader Councillor Donald Nannestad, Portfolio Holder for Recreational Services and Health at the City of Lincoln Council, said:

“Keeping an allotment is increasingly popular and has numerous benefits for a person’s health – being out in the fresh air, keeping active and eating healthy home-grown produce to name just three.

“We want to reduce poverty and disadvantage in the city, and promote healthy lifestyles, and increasing the amount of available allotments is one way we could do this.”

Members of the public are invited to attend an Executive meeting on Monday, July 18, where the proposed future of the disused allotments will be decided.

The meeting is at 6pm in Committee Rooms 2 and 3, City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Google Maps