July 12, 2011 12.08 pm This story is over 162 months old

Policing the paranormal in Lincolnshire

Creepy question: Lincolnshire Police have been asked to detail any sightings of paranormal activity.

If there’s something strange in your neighbourhood, who are you going to call? Lincolnshire Police, obviously.

A ghoulish freedom of information request by Paul Stevenson, Managing Editor of HAUNTED Magazine, has asked Lincolnshire Police for details on how many incidents of “paranormal activity” have been reported to them over the past decade.

Stevenson’s asked for all reports relating to “ghost sightings, UFO sightings, alleged paranormal activity and reports of witches and witchcraft.”

He told The Lincolnite he’s working on a feature for the magazine highlighting “modern” ghost sightings, rather than much regaled tales of old.

Lincolnshire’s most famous “witching” came from “The Belvoir Witches”, Margaret, Philippa and Joan Flower, in the 17th century.

These three women, a mother and her two daughters, worked as servants for the Earl and Countess of Rutland at Belvoir Castle.

The Earl’s son died and other family members fell ill. He accused the women of being witches and causing these illnesses.

Following their arrests, they were examined and “confessions” extracted.

Joan, the mother, died in prison while trying to protest her innocence. The other two were burnt at the stake at Lincoln Castle on March 11th, 1618.

Nottinghamshire Police revealed, following a similar request by Stevenson, that from 2004-2010 there had been reports of:

  • 34 ghost sightings
  • 16 witch-related incidents
  • 46 incidents of witchcraft
  • 19 UFO sightings

It added the clarification that “the sightings include incidents where the person could have a mental health problem”.

A response from Lincolnshire Police is due in the next couple of weeks.