August 8, 2011 4.16 pm This story is over 161 months old

Week-long kids’ events at the Grandstand

Jam Factory: 85 Lincoln West End kids are taking part in a week-long volunteer-run event at the Grandstand, trying on a range of fun activities.

Children in the west end of Lincoln will dress up, get their faces painted and take part other fun activities at the Jam Factory this week.

The volunteer-run event takes place from August 8 to Friday, August 12 and is fully booked, with 85 children set to enjoy the range of activities.

Now in its 39th year, the Jam Factory is provided by volunteers for local children in the west end of Lincoln, with all fundraising taking part in the area.

Chris Stripp, who has organised the Jam Factory for the past 31 years, said: “Jam Factory is great fun and everyone enjoys it. In all the years I’ve been running it, I’ve never heard a child say ‘I’m bored’.

“They can make as much mess and noise as they want in a safe environment, and it’s thanks to the volunteers, who give up a week of their holidays to come and help – without them it’s nothing!”

The City of Lincoln Council has donated the use of the Grandstand Community Centre to the event this year.

City Councillor Donald Nannestad said: “We’re pleased to be able to support the Jam Factory by providing the Grandstand Community Centre free of charge.

“The sessions are entirely funded and run by the local community, they have had a really positive impact over the years and it’s important that they continue, so it’s great to be able to give something back.”

Stripp added: “We’re grateful to the City Council for offering the use of the Grandstand for free — it’s a big help.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photos: Samantha Fisher for The Lincolnite