October 6, 2011 12.52 pm This story is over 152 months old

Voice of Lincoln: Have we bin had?

Bin blues? The Lincolnite speaks to city residents on how they feel about no weekly black bin collection.

Despite the government’s promise to put aside around £250 million to restore the weekly household waste collections across the country, City of Lincoln Council has decided to stick to its fortnightly collection service.

The council say that it isn’t something that tax payers in Lincoln have asked for, and suggest that there are other social services that are more in need of the additional money. They also stipulate that a weekly collection service could have an adverse effect on their bid to reduce Lincoln’s carbon footprint.

The Lincolnite asked what the city’s residents thought about their decision.

Tony Goldsmith, 45

“I think that they should go back to a weekly bin collection because of reasons of cleanliness and basic hygiene. There are lots of important things the council should be spending money on but I also think it is important to have the bins emptied regularly.”


Caroline Larcombe, 20

“I think it is a problem in houses where there are a lot of people, for instance I live with 5 other students and we get a lot of rubbish that needs taking away regularly. Otherwise it builds up and then you get rats. I mean there are obviously houses where there are only two people living there it might not need their rubbish taking away every week so maybe the council could send letters out to people to see who needs their bins collecting every week, then they could save money on the people who don’t need it and still collect it from the people who do.”

Alec Yahya, 27

“I think people can last two weeks without having their bins taken, so if there is something more beneficial that the council can be spending their money one then, definitely, I think that is a good idea. Also it makes people recycle more.”


Sharon, 43

“I think they should actually spend it on the bins. I have loads of waste, my bins are always overflowing, I live on my own and it still over flows over the fortnight. I never get told when it actually should go out, and I don’t know what should be going in the recycle bins really. They should make things clearer and collect the rubbish more regularly.”

Photo: Ryan Cullen

Chelsea studied English Literature at Kingston University London and has also completed a work experience placement at Morton’s Media. She loves reading, dancing and visiting National Trust sites.