December 5, 2011 12.16 pm This story is over 150 months old

Lincoln MP grows a goatee for charity

Mo Bro: Lincoln MP Karl McCartney is ready to shave off his goatee after supporting the Movember cause.

Conservative Lincoln MP Karl McCartney joined the Mo-mentus movement to raise awareness of prostate cancer by growing a goatee.

Along with 14 other MPs, he backed the quirky campaign to help raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer during the month of November.

McCartney’s moustache and ‘goatee’ over the month to support Movember aimed to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other men’s heath issues.

“Movember is a brilliant, quirky cause which I have been proud to be a part of over the last month,” said the Lincoln MP.

“Not only does it encourage millions to talk about men’s health issues, it also raises vital funds for The Prostate Cancer Charity, enabling them to fund essential research and provide top class support services for men and their families affected by the disease.”

A newly-hirsute Owen Sharp, Chief Executive of The Prostate Cancer Charity, said: “There have been some hairy moments, but as the moustache season draws to a close it’s great to know that so many MPs have been through this journey with me, and that many more have signalled their support for the campaign.”

Lincoln has seen several other hairy efforts to raise money for men’s charities during November.

Members of Lincoln Business Club had their moustaches on show, while county accountants Duncan and Toplis did their part too.