June 6, 2012 2.54 pm This story is over 151 months old

Lincoln sheltered housing goes solar powered

Solar saver: Solar panels installed on council homes set to reduce carbon footprints and also save money.

A number of council houses in Lincoln will be going green with the addition of solar panels to their roofs.

Three sheltered housing schemes in the city — Broomhill, Lenton Green and Tom Ward Court — are having solar PV panels installed.

This reduces the City Council’s carbon footprint, a key priority, and also provides free electricity for the buildings.

The City of Lincoln Council will also gain from the Feed in Tariff scheme, where energy providers will pay those with solar panels for electricity generated over the next 25 years.

The work is being undertaken by a council partner company Kier, which has installed solar panels on council homes across the region and North Tyneside.

City Councillor Fay Smith said: “We are proud to take on this project, which will make a positive impact on the reduction of fuel consumption in Lincoln.”

Kier regional managing director for maintenance Simon Bullen added: “Solar power will be increasingly important over the coming years in helping to reduce household energy bills, reduce carbon emissions and eliminate fuel poverty.

“This project will provide benefits to so many of our local residents while bringing advantages to the environment at the same time.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council