October 9, 2012 7.39 am This story is over 142 months old

Police hold heritage crime exhibition in Lincoln

Heritage crime: Lincolnshire Police is holding an exhibition in Lincoln to showcase its fight against heritage crime.

Lincolnshire Police is holding an exhibition at The Collection in Lincoln to showcase its fight against heritage crime in the county.

The exhibition, which is designed to explore heritage crime issues and the way in which Lincolnshire Police tackles them, features a number of display cases and a talking heads video.

One of the display cases features items seized in Operation Totem, a joint-agency investigation to tackle illegal metal detecting in the county.

PC Nick Hanson (pictured above) said: “Heritage crime is an issue in Lincolnshire and it is vital that we raise awareness. We do successfully investigate and prosecute in this area and we need to get this message across.

“The pictured artefact, a golden egg-shaped piece, is just one of many beautiful unique Lincolnshire finds that should be in a museum, not in a criminal’s private collection.

“The central band of decoration is virtually invisible to the human eye and it’s a wonderful example of the skill of those ancient artisans.

“We hope as many people as possible make it along to have a look at the work we are doing.”

The Heritage Crime Exhibition will be held at The Collection in Danes Terrace, Lincoln, from Thursday October 11 to December 21.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Joshua Potter for The Lincolnite