November 13, 2012 10.19 am This story is over 141 months old

Extra date for Christmas Artists’ Market

Market choice: Lincoln’s Artist’s Market will add one more date to its 2012 listing, while 2013 also hold some exciting new events in the summer.

One of Lincoln’s monthly markets will be making an extra appearance over the Christmas period, offering a last minute chance to buy gifts.

The Christmas Artists’ Market will host an additional event on November 24 from 10am to 4pm — the final one until after Christmas.

There will be over 30 stalls at the final market, offering items from jewellery, bags, paintings and pottery.

Market co-ordinator and artist/illustrator Lea Goldberg (pictured) said: “We are lined-up to have a cracking market on November 24.

“Stallholders will include a variety of artists and makers and shoppers can expect to find an amazing selection of products, ranging from handbags to paintings, prints and ceramics.

“Nearly all the stallholders are from Lincolnshire.”

Evening markets

In addition to the extra 2012 dates, the Artists’ Market will be back each month in 2013, but with a twist in the summer months.

Next year’s markets will run in the evenings along the Brayford, featuring entertainment to keep shoppers in the area.

Goldberg added: “Our 2013 Artists’ Markets will take place on the first Saturday of each month from March to December, inclusive, and I am starting to take bookings for stalls now.

“Excitingly, we are also organising evening Artists’ Markets, complete with entertainment, to take place on the Brayford Waterfront from 5pm to 10pm.

“These are scheduled to take place on Saturdays May 25, June 22, July 27 and August 24.”

Source: Lincoln BIG