March 18, 2013 9.48 am This story is over 135 months old

University of Lincoln begins library expansion

Better library: The university’s library will undergo a slight transformation to give students more room to study.

Work has begun on an extension of the University of Lincoln’s library, which aims to improve facilities for staff and students.

The University Library is getting an extension as part of the University’s Estates Masterplan, so it can provide more space for computers, laptops and bookable rooms.

Called University Library 1.5, the plans by Stem Architects see the glass frontage extended on the west side of the building in the same style, spanning two floors.

The work will be undertaken by Kier Construction, starting March 18, and should be completed by August.

University Librarian Ian Snowley said: “This is an important first step in developing the Library to meet increasing demand from students.

“We know that more group study space, increased PC access and the lap-top area will be very popular.

“We’re already looking forward to seeing the new spaces in use at the end of the summer.”

The library will remain open during the building work.

Too see the plans and get updates on the building work throughout the process, visit the Learning Landscapes blog.