April 23, 2013 10.06 am This story is over 136 months old

Council sends message in a bottle to vulnerable Lincoln residents

Extra help: Lincoln’s most vulnerable will be able to give emergency services or cares important information easily with the help of a new council scheme.

The City of Lincoln Council is sending out messages in bottles to some city residents, but to help them, not the authority.

The Message in a Bottle Scheme was set up by the City Council, housing contractor Kier and Lincoln Lions to help elderly and vulnerable people.

Tenant Liaison Officers will give these people special bottles to be kept in the fridge, which contain details of medical conditions, personal details and emergency contacts.

A sticker is also placed on their back door, so anyone coming to help in an emergency will know they are in the scheme.

The scheme is free for anyone to join if they feel it might be beneficial to them. if successful, Message in a Bottle could be rolled out nationally.

John Bibby, Director of Housing and Community Services, said: “We are delighted to be involved in this project as it will provide peace of mind to dozens of families across the city.

“Should the worst happen this bottle, and the information in it, could give first responders and paramedics vital infomation which could save a life.”

President of Lincoln Lions Barbara Coleman said: “The Lions are very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Kier and the City of Lincoln Council in providing this potentially life-saving concept to residents of Lincoln.

“It is a very simple and cost-efficient way to assist the emergency services by making sure that they have access on the spot to all the relevant information to enable them to deliver the appropriate treatment.”

Phil Oades, Senior Operations Director at Kier said: “Kier prides itself on working closely within the communities in which we work to support initiatives and groups which improve the life of others.

“We have always seen our Tenant Liaison Officer’s and operatives being our eyes and ears as they potentially come into daily contact with vulnerable tenants in Lincoln and these are the front line staff that will be delivering the bottles.

“This potentially life saving initiative is the start of many of commitments going forward within our partnership with the City of Lincoln Council.”