April 17, 2013 12.47 pm This story is over 140 months old

Funding for new Hartsholme Park bridge approved

Moving along: The City of Lincoln Council agreed to the plans and funding for the new white bridge in Hartsholme Park.

Funding to replace the old white bridge in Hartsholme Park has been approved at a Full Council meeting on Tuesday, April 16.

As previously reported, the designs and plans for the new bridge were approved by the City of Lincoln Council’s Planning Committee.

As the bridge is classed as a public right of way, it is a council requirement to provide a replacement bridge.

A budget of around £65,050 can be put aside for work on the new bridge, with £35,000 coming from existing corporate property budgets and £30,050 from the capital contingency fund.

The new bridge will be built on the old pylons from 1902, which are still standing in the water, and have a non-slip deck.

It will be the same height and width as the previous bridge.

The previous White Bridge, built in the 1960s, was removed from the park last year after the City Council declared it unsafe for public use.

This was due to the timber deck and upper steel work needing replacement, as the pylons below the waterline were in good condition.

It is presently not known when work will begin on the new park bridge.

Ric Metcalfe, Leader of the City of Lincoln Council, said: “We are delighted that we are able to proceed with these improvements to the White Bridge, which is a highly valued piece of park infrastructure.”