April 30, 2013 11.45 am This story is over 140 months old

Locals invited to Lincolnshire Police volunteer project board

Volunteers wanted: Residents are invited to attend a volunteer meeting, and sign up for one of 1000 positions to aid the police force.

Lincolnshire residents are being invited to learn more about volunteering within Lincolnshire Police.

Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner Alan Hardwick wants to increase the number of volunteers working alongside officers to 1000 in the county.

Volunteer groups will be made up of 350 Special Constables, 250 Police Support Volunteers, 150 Police Cadets and 250 proposed Volunteer Police Community Support Officers (VPCSO).

PCC Hardwick hopes to have all 1000 positions filled by April 2016, but they will assist and not reduce current staff.

To do this, Lincolnshire Police has set up a project board, with a number of meetings to help get residents involved.

The first public meeting will be held at Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Nettleham, on May 8 from 12.30pm.

The meeting will allow residents to see and hear the decisions being made regarding volunteering within the force and community, as well as find out about how they can apply.

The project will address capability, capacity, and visibility of volunteers within the Force, raise community engagement in Lincolnshire and improve police visibility.

Assistant Chief Constable Keith Smy will be at the meeting so the public can ask questions, and PCC Hardwick will also attend to open the board.

To attend the meeting, contact Project Manager Pete Dyer via email. All questions must be submitted before the event too.