April 16, 2013 10.08 am This story is over 134 months old

Over 39,000 people in Lincoln to get Income Tax cut

New threshold: More than 39,300 people in Lincoln will receive the biggest Income Tax cut in a generation this month.

More than 39,300 people in Lincoln will receive the biggest Income Tax cut in a generation this month.

In addition, an estimated 3,824 people who live in Lincoln will be lifted out of income tax altogether.

On April 6, the Government increased the amount of money people can earn before paying any Income Tax to £9,440.

Around 24 million people across the country will pay up to £600 less Income Tax this year than in 2010.

Conservative Lincoln MP Karl McCartney said: “This is fantastic news for people in our city; this tax cut means tax bills have been cut by £600 since the last general election.”