May 24, 2013 12.42 pm This story is over 133 months old

Lincoln businesses win big in Lincoln Cycle Challenge

Healthy and sustainable: After local businesses pitted it out against each other to rack up cycle miles, the best teams received their prizes.

Lincoln businesses attended a special prize giving event in the city to celebrate the winners of the Lincoln Cycle Challenge.

Over 50 businesses, totalling 1,000 people, took part in the challenge, which aimed to encourage employees to cycle for at least 10 minutes a day between April 22 and May 12 as part of the Access LN6 project.

At the end of the event, miles were added up in preparation for the prize-giving event at The Showroom on May 23. Prizes include a £400 Specialized Hybrid bike from Arrow Cycles, family tickets for Lincoln Adventure Centre, LA Fitness memberships, a treatment at The Beauty Spa, lunch at Café Portico and more.

Between all the people taking part, 60,000 miles were covered — that’s would take you all the way around the world’s circumference twice over. Winners of the challenge came from the likes of Lincolnshire Coop, Anglian Water, e2v, VXI Power and Siemens.

The main prize was won by Tom Whittock, an employee at Lincolnshire Coop. He said: “Before the Lincoln Cycle Challenge, I was driving from my house in LN6 to work every day. I hadn’t ridden a bike in a long time and during the challenge, I had to clear the cobwebs and pump up the tyres!

“I’m very pleased I started cycling – I enjoy passing traffic on Tritton Road on the way home and we’ve been out on numerous family bike rides at the weekends. The new bike will encourage me to become a more regular cyclist and hopefully get a little fitter!”

Councillor Richard Davies, Executive Councillor for Highways and Transportation, said: “One of the main aims of Access LN6 is to increase the number of people cycling in LN6. Our role now is to maintain the enthusiasm of the 50 businesses involved, and encourage more people to think about the way they travel.”