May 30, 2013 10.24 am This story is over 133 months old

Don’t get stuck: Level crossings could find place on Lincoln Monopoly board

Penalty or landmark? Lincoln has to decide if the level crossings should be an infamous landmark or penalty on the city-themed Monopoly board.

While Lincoln residents are furiously voting for their 22 favourite city landmarks for an upcoming city-themed Monopoly board, one location has proved particularly controversial.

The High Street level crossing has been voted for as an infamous landmark in Lincoln, and this was backed up by Monopoly Man Peter Griffin’s own experience.

On a previous visit to Lincoln to launch the Lincoln Monopoly board, he ended up getting stuck at the barriers.

It is likely the crossing in Lincoln could replace the King’s Cross London train station, as the Lincoln board will use those corners as part of a travel theme.

Peter Griffin, Development Director for Winning Moves UK, said: “We’ve had lots of votes for both the level crossings.

“Having been stuck at the High Street one myself we need to ask: Should a level crossing be immortalised on the official Lincoln Monopoly board?

“There are four travel sites on the board and it is just possible that one may be replaced with a crossing.”

Residents also have suggestions for gameplay involving the crossings, such as missing goes or moving backwards on the board.

Tweet suggestions include: “The rail crossing has broken. Miss a go while you wait for it to be fixed”, and even “A swan has blocked the road. Miss a go while you wait for it to move.”

So far, popular voted location include Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln Castle, Lincoln City FC, the High Street level crossing, University of Lincoln and equally Bishop Grosseteste University.

Peter Griffin added: “From the voting it is clear Lincoln is extremely well blessed with great landmarks to fill the length and breadth of the board.

“Also it’s clear the Lincoln public has a terrific sense of humour – as well as wonderful capacity for lateral thinking!

“Many thanks to everyone who has voted so far. Please keep the votes coming. Without the great Lincoln public’s suggestion this board could not be produced. It’s clear it’s taking shape now as a people’s board.”

Voting closes on June 13. You can vote for landmarks by emailing [email protected].

The board will be available online and in stores by October 2013.

Should the High Street level crossing be on the Lincoln Monopoly board? Let us know in the comments.