August 28, 2013 4.43 pm This story is over 130 months old

Over 20 communities bid to save Lincolnshire libraries

Community interest: A number of communities in Lincolnshire are keen to save their local libraries.

There are 21 Lincolnshire community areas pitching an interest in running their local library, according the County Council.

Due to its public consultation of proposals to cut all but 15 static libraries in favour of community-run or mobile services in a bid to save £2 million, over 20 communities have registered an interest.

This is in addition to Lincolnshire Co-op’s offer to take on six libraries in the Lincoln area.

Meanwhile, residents interested in the fate of county library services have just one month left to have their say about the move that would lead to 170 job losses.

The public consultation, which ends on September 30, allows residents to tell Lincolnshire County Council their opinion on its proposal for future services.

As well as their opinion, locals can also leave suggestions or pitch an interest in running their local service.

County Councillor Nick Worth, executive member for libraries, said: “So far, we’ve received around 2,500 questionnaires, as well as 350 individual letters/emails.

“We’ve had eight consultation events around the county, attended by around 220 people, and there have been more than 5,000 visits to our consultation webpages.

“A range of views have been offered on the initial proposals. Some people would like to see libraries become multi-use buildings, incorporating other services such as cafes and heritage centres.

“Others have suggested ways of raising income or extending the choice of services on offer. Another key theme is the right balance between council-run libraries, community libraries and mobile libraries.

“All these comments will be taken into consideration in making a final decision on how best to create a more efficient, more affordable library service that meets local needs.”

Despite just 2,500 responses to the council’s questionnaires, the Save Lincolnshire Libraries campaign claims to have received over 20,000 signatures against the closure of libraries.

To sign a petition against the closure of Lincolnshire libraries, or your local library, visit the Save Lincolnshire Libraries website.

To take part in the County Council’s questionnaire, visit its consultation page or pick up a copy in a local library.