October 28, 2013 12.09 pm This story is over 130 months old

Council consultation on Lincolnshire minerals and waste plan

Mineral collection plans: Lincolnshire County Council is working on a plan to regulate planning for mineral and waste collection in the county.

Lincolnshire County Council is asking residents for their opinion on how mineral extraction and waste management is done in the county.

The consultation is part of the council’s new Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

The plan will give a guide to guide mineral extraction and waste management development in Lincolnshire, and the criteria which related planning applications will be considered.

The plans would also look at the council’s position on the likelihood of fracking or exploratory drilling within Lincolnshire, however no planning applications or expressions of interest of this nature have been received so far.

The consultation starts on November 1, and runs until December 13, 2013.

Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Member for Planning, said: “There have been a number of changes to the planning system since we last spoke to local communities about this issue, so it makes sense for us to consult them again.

“We want to make sure that all future mineral extraction and waste management activities are carried out in a sustainable way, protecting both the environment and local communities.

“And this consultation is an opportunity for people to influence the way we approach this at an important stage.”

Copies of the consultation document will soon be available from libraries and at council offices during opening hours.

The document will also be available online on the County Council’s website from November.