November 20, 2013 1.03 pm This story is over 133 months old

Lincoln’s biggest slimmers

Lincoln slims down: Slimmers in Lincoln have picked up awards for their weight loss achievements after being referred to a Weight Watchers scheme by their GPs.

Slimmers across Lincolnshire have been rewarded for their weight loss achievements and among those receiving awards are some very proud Lincoln ‘losers’.

People from across the county who have lost weight through the Weight Watchers referral scheme from their GPs, commissioned by public health at Lincolnshire County Council, received awards for their achievements.

Patricia O’Reilly was referred to the scheme by the Arboretum Surgery in Lincoln. After 10 months, Patricia went from weighing 12 st 8.5 lbs to weighing 10 st 8 lbs – a total weight loss of 28.5 lbs. She changed the way she eats, walks more and is generally more active as a result of the programme.

Jill Cooke lost a total of 4 stone after 52 weeks following the scheme. Before she was referred by Crossroads Medical Practice in North Hykeham, Jill weighed 13 st 13 lbs, she now weighs 10st. Jill is off her diabetic medication and her blood pressure and cholesterol are much lower.

Hannah Murphy was referred to the scheme by Birchwood Surgery, Lincoln. Hannah’s weight went from 21 st to 17 st 7 lbs, making her total weight loss 3 st 7 lbs in a period of 43 weeks. Hannah’s mum is a nurse and told her about the scheme. She can now walk upstairs without feeling breathless and play happily with her little girl. She also now shops online to resist temptations.

Peter Bates weighed 16 st 5 lbs when he started the Weight Watchers course. After losing 3 st over 22 weeks, he now weights 13 st 5 lbs and has overcome high blood pressure and sleep apnoea. Since losing weight, he has been told he can stop using his CPAP machine overnight, for the sleep apnoea. Peter was referred by Woodland Medical Practice, Lincoln.

Julie Massam was referred to the scheme by Witham Practice when she weighed 17 st 1 lbs. She lost 30 lbs in 23 weeks and now weighs 14 st 13 lbs. Julie had tried various diets before but nothing had worked. She can now keep up with her children and do more with them.

Councillor Patricia Bradwell, Executive Councillor for Public Health at Lincolnshire County Council, said:  “People with a Body Mass Index of over 30 can be referred into this scheme, and 4,000 adults per year in Lincolnshire are currently benefitting from a free 12-week Weight Watchers programme.

“This is another weight management option that GPs can offer patients, and the people receiving these awards show how reaching a healthy weight and making better lifestyle choices not only benefits your health, but also your confidence and general wellbeing.”

Visit your GP if you are concerned about your weight or to see if you are eligible for a referral onto the scheme.