November 29, 2013 11.32 am This story is over 127 months old

Police warn Lincoln farmers about planned rave

Rave on? Police are asking farmers, landowners, and residents to report anything that could be relating to a planned rave in the wider Lincoln area.

Lincolnshire Police are asking farmers and landowners around Lincoln to be vigilant due to a potential rave planned at the weekend.

Officers were made aware of a group of people planning a rave on land or in outbuildings in the Lincoln area on Saturday, November 30.

Police are asking farmers to secure access to their land as much as possible and to check outbuildings and barns over the weekend.

They would also like residents to report large gatherings of people or vehicles as soon as possible too.

Lincolnshire Police said: “These events do cause huge disruption and distress to people living in rural areas for a prolonged period of time and they require a huge amount of police resources to disperse.

“If the police receive information on locations early they are a lot easier to deal with.”

Update: Police have uncovered the location of the unlicensed music event (also referred to as an illegal rave) near Lincoln.

The event was planned for a village on the outskirts of Lincoln on Saturday the 30th November.

The police message to organisers and those who had planned to attend is:

  • We will be putting substantial resources into preventing access
  • You may be committing a criminal offence and we will be looking to make arrests where our powers allow it
  • We will stop and search you where there are grounds to do so
  • Sound equipment will be seized
  • We have a duty to protect the public and there are serious concerns about your safety
  • Do not waste your money and your time attempting to attend this event – it simply is not going to happen

Earlier this year police shut down a rave in Lincolnshire, where arrests were made and two revellers were also bitten by police dogs.