January 13, 2014 3.20 pm This story is over 127 months old

Lincoln children hop aboard walking school bus

Access LN6 walking bus: A school in Lincoln has set up a ‘walking bus’ to encourage schoolchildren and parents to walk to school and reduce congestion at the school gate.

School children in Lincoln did their bit to reduce congestion by joining a “walking bus” as their mode of transport.

Functioning like a conventional school bus, Birchwood’s walking bus is designed to pick up children along the route from the Green Barrel Public House to Woodlands Infant School.

The walking bus is the first of many at Woodlands Infant and Nursery School, and is supported by Lincolnshire County Council’s Access LN6 programme.

On January 13, nine children took part in the run, accompanied by four parent volunteers.

Photo: LCC

Photo: LCC

Catherine Stratton, Headteacher at Woodlands Infant and Nursery School, said: “We’ve wanted to establish a walking bus for some time and are really pleased that we’ve been able to set one up this year; it’s great to see parent volunteers getting involved.

“Through the walking bus, we’re encouraging a healthier start to the day and easing congestion at the school gate.”

Councillor Richard Davies, Executive Councillor for Highways and Transportation, said: “One of Access LN6’s main outcomes is to see a change in children’s travel patterns to and from school.

“Walking buses are a great way to encourage children and parents to get out the car and into the fresh air with other children and families. Hopefully this will be the first of many walking buses in the local area.”

Another, longer walking bus will take place on Monday, January 20 from the Methodist Church car park, then Green Barrell Public House before reaching the school.

All children on the Birchwood walking bus will receive complimentary breakfast from the school for their commitment to sustainable and active travel.

Local schools interested in setting up a walking bus, or talking to the Access LN6 team about ways to encourage walking to school, should contact Victoria Wade on 07825 145 776 or [email protected].