February 10, 2014 9.10 am This story is over 126 months old

Getting in the right frame of mind to sell

Top sales tips: Susan Marot explains how to keep motivated and moving forward as a salesperson.

What can a sales person do to ensure they are well motivated to go out and sell?

Selling is a tough, often lonely job. Not in the same league as nurses and firemen of course, but when it comes to getting out of bed to persuade someone to part with their or their company’s hard earned cash, I reckon it is probably well up the league table.

Therefore a sales person needs to be motivated to go out and sell. Do it well and the sky is their limit in terms of performance. However, do it badly and a change of career is probably on the cards. Being well motivated is key to becoming successful at selling.

Get positive and ensure they stay positive

This is usually easier said than done, but it is possible. Creating a positive environment will reduce negative thoughts. First identify and avoid negative people, then start to hang out with and learn from positive successful people. You will soon find that you have the mental strength to be more focussed and more stamina to maintain that positive mindset.

Set stretching goals

Everyone has heard an amazing story of someone achieving the seemingly impossible, so why not consider the thought that what might seem impossible, could actually be possible? What is your goal? Write it down, pin it up on the wall, imagine what life will be like when you have it.

Set SMART objectives

No matter what task a sales person needs to do in order to get to their goal, they could do an awful lot worse than setting “SMART” objectives for each one. Ensuring every objective, no matter how small, is Specific, Measureable, Achieveable, Realistice and Timely will help monitor if it is the right objective to achieve your goal. If the objective does not appear to meet SMART criteria, then be flexible and adjust the plan accordingly.

Reward yourself when you hit even the smallest goal

Incentivising oneself to achieve amazing sales success is a great way of motivating. No matter how small or large the goal, there should always be a reward, but don’t rely on others to do this for you. Whether it is a sports car or just a walk for 20 minutes to clear the head, always have a reward for achieving the sales activity you need to do.

Analyse poor performance

If a deal is lost or a target narrowly missed, don’t start a session of self-flagellation. Spend a small amount of time reviewing why that happened. If a sales person can work out why it all went wrong then they will find it so much easier to prevent it going wrong again. Ask a customer why they went elsewhere, talk to a colleague and find out what they did to be higher up the sales league table. The answers back may actually be surprising, but definitely of immense value.

Just do it!

“You may delay, but time will not,” said Benjamin Franklin. Don’t avoid difficult tasks, just get them over with quickly. First thing in the morning is probably one of the best times to do this ensuring a more positive mood for the rest of the day.

Record success

Keep a record of success. Big payslips, well done emails from colleagues, thank you’s and recommendations from clients. Whatever a sales person receives as recognition of their hard work should be recorded. When a boost of confidence is required, reviewing your success will keep you focused and motivated.

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius

Lincolnshire-bred business woman Susan Marot runs Marot Associates Ltd, which helps businesses sell more by improving their sales process. Susan works with them to design, improve or even deliver the sales the company needs. A sales person for almost 30 years, Susan is often engaged to speak at events on selling and has regular articles published by the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management in "Winning Edge".