April 14, 2014 10.58 am This story is over 129 months old

New holistic school proposed in Lincoln

Steiner school: A group of educators and parents are putting in a bid to open a state-funded ‘Steiner’ school in Lincoln.

A group of educators and parents are putting in a bid to Lincolnshire County Council to open a state-funded ‘Steiner’ school in Lincoln.

The curriculum, which was designed by Austrian Rudolph Steiner to improve children’s physical and emotional capability to learn, hopes to see the modern school open for children by September 2015.

Steiner schools put primary emphasis on the social and emotional aspects of education. There are over 1000 Steiner schools worldwide.

Retired Headteacher Andrea Scott-Jones is the Project Manager of the committee aiming to bring the first Steiner school to the county.

The committee has so far held two public meetings and is currently gauging demand from their website, where visitors can also fill in a survey.

The bid will be put to the council by May 2014 and are looking for a site within easy access from Newark and the South of Lincoln.

Andrea Jones-Scott said: “After speaking to Lincolnshire County Council we realised we would need to act fast as there will be a shortage of primary places in September 2015, despite the council’s expansion plans for existing schools.

“I have extensive experience of providing ‘outstanding’ education and believe that a modern Steiner school could provide excellent choice and diversity.”

Alexandra Smith, who leads the Lincolnshire Waldorf Parent and Child group, said: “Steiner education adds the creative element within academic subjects, using a range of teaching styles and methods to access an education where each child can achieve their full potential.

“Steiner parent and child groups provide rhythm and routine which are essential in the Early Years and give the child stability and security, knowing that their basic needs are met, they thrive.”