May 21, 2014 10.51 am This story is over 121 months old

Improved dementia care project launches in Lincolnshire

All About Me: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has launched a new project to support health and social care staff who care for people with dementia.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) has launched a new project to support health and social care staff who care for people with dementia.

The Trust estimates that there are 10,502 people in the county living with dementia, 62% of which have not been formally diagnosed.

The number is expected to reach 15,047 by 2021.

ULHT has been successful in securing a £28,000 investment by the Regional Innovation Fund (RIF) to help develop the project.

All About Me is a detailed document containing key information about a person’s routine, interests and preferences, so that care can be centred on the needs of the individual.

It will be made available in hospital wards and departments, local health centres, GP surgeries, libraries and health shops across Lincolnshire.

The document is now available on the My Choice My Care website. An online version will also be available to complete from a dedicated website, which will go live at the beginning of June.

All About Me determines the type of care needed for individual sufferers and it includes:

  • Any medication the person is taking or they are allergic to
  • Any support they may need with eating and drinking
  • Any mobility aids they require or issues that may affect their movement
  • Their normal sleeping routine
  • Anything that might make them nervous, angry or sad or things that calm them down
  • Any interests, hobbies or things that are important to that person

Jennie Negus, Deputy Chief Nurse, at ULHT said: “We know that hospitals can be particularly distressing for people with dementia and they often need extra care and support.

“Being able to provide high quality dementia care is very important to our staff as they strive to give the best possible care to their patients.

“We have worked closely with patients, carers and our healthcare partners in the local community to develop this document to provide further support to people with dementia, as well as their carers and families when they come into a healthcare environment.”

Pauleen Pratt, Interim Director of Nursing at ULHT, added: “As the elderly population across Lincolnshire continues to grow and the recognition and management of dementia also increases, it is really important that our staff and our partners in the community respond to changing needs and demands on the provision of acute care for people with dementia.

“This project will allow staff across healthcare organisations in Lincolnshire to improve communication with patients so that we can continue to make improvements in care whilst aiming to meet individual needs.”