June 2, 2014 9.41 am This story is over 120 months old

Lincolnshire Police launch summer drink driving campaign

Summer drink driving campaign: Lincolnshire Police want people to text them details of people they know to be drink or drug driving.

Lincolnshire Police have launched their summer campaign to tackle drivers under the influence of alcohol, and want people to text them details of people they know to be drink or drug driving.

The campaign along Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership focuses on the BBQ season, when people are likely to enjoy drinks with friends then consider driving home.

Part of a national drive, the new campaign asks local residents to text 80800 with the word “Drink” plus details and whereabouts of someone they know to be drink or drug driving.

Police officers will use the information to stop, arrest and potentially process the driver through the courts.

Last year during the campaign, police made nearly 100 arrests in just the first month.

This text number is for non-emergencies; if people see someone under the influence already driving, police say they need to call 999 instead.

In addition to the SMS campaign, police will also be doing roadside checks at all times of the day.

During these checks, officers will use FIT (Field Impairment Test) to test drivers for the effects of drugs and drink.

The Road Safety Partnership explained drivers have a responsibility to make sure they are fit to drive.

They say people may think they are able to drive due to the body processing alcohol at roughly one unit per hour, but different factors can affect the calculation.

These include age, gender, weight, body mass, metabolism, general health, type of alcohol and liver health.