July 7, 2014 8.30 am This story is over 119 months old

In pictures: Lindum & Banks Long corporate cricket day

Sportive networking: More than 100 representatives from Lincoln businesses took part in the eighth Lindum & Banks Long corporate cricket day.

More than 100 representatives from Lincoln businesses took part in the eighth Lindum & Banks Long corporate cricket day on Friday, July 4.

The event at the Lindum Sports Ground in St Giles saw 64 players forming eight teams with names inspired by the teams remaining in the World Cup.

The winning team were Bradford’s Bonkers Belgians, led by Tim Bradford of Banks Long & Co.

Dozens of companies were represented, including Lindum, Banks Long & Co, Andrew & Co, Duncan & Toplis, Sills & Betteridge, Lincolnshire YMCA and Longhurst Group.

Lincoln MP Karl McCartney and Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable Neil Rhodes also participated in the friendly sportive afternoon.