July 28, 2014 4.01 pm This story is over 119 months old

Residents needed for Birchwood estate clean-up

Community clean-up: The City of Lincoln Council is asking Birchwood residents to help clean up the estate.

The City of Lincoln Council is asking Birchwood residents to help clean up the estate with a planned litter-pick.

The event will take place on Wednesday, August 6 between 10am and noon with council officers, who have helped co-ordinate the collection, also joining in.

Volunteers are asked to meet in the car park of Birchwood Leisure Centre at 10am. They need to wear suitable clothing and footwear.

Gloves, litter picks and bags will all be provided and children must be accompanied by an adult.

Councillor Rosanne Kirk, ward councillor for Birchwood, said: “The litter pick is a great way for residents to come together and meet each other while helping to make the community a cleaner and safer place to live.

“I hope to see as many people as possible there on the day. Even if you can only spare an hour then it will be really appreciated and go a long way to supporting the effort.”

Once the litter pick is completed, the team will head off to a local café for some well-earned refreshments.