July 8, 2014 10.40 am This story is over 119 months old

Waddington Air Show petition gets over 1k signatures

Petition milestone: An online petition to secure the future of the RAF Waddington International Air Show has gained over 1,000 signatures.

An online petition to secure the future of the RAF Waddington International Air Show has gained over 1,000 signatures.

The RAF base near Lincoln is scheduled to undergo £35.4 million worth of works to improve facilities and rebuild the runway.

As a result, the 2015 air show has been cancelled – and organisers have yet to confirm the return of the show in 2016 or beyond.

Work will begin in September 2014 with a view of completion in September 2015.

The 2014 show was attended by over 135,000 visitors after reaching full capacity in the days prior to the event.

The petition to the Ministry of Defence was created by Martin Stevens with the aim to “make sure the Waddington International Air Show 2016 takes place, is safe and secure and does not get permanently axed.”

The petition also states: “The air show generates in the region of £12 million to Lincolnshire economy.

“If this is lost, it would have a negative knock-on effect on local businesses and people who rely heavily on trade when this important event is taking place.

“The image of Lincolnshire would be tarnished if one of the most important events is cancelled forever.”

[button url=”http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67098″ title=”Petition link”]You can sign the petition here[/button]