September 24, 2014 11.14 am This story is over 117 months old

Disgust at anti-gay leaflets posted through Lincoln doors

Homophobic content: Leaflets depicting homosexuality as “the Devil’s delusion” are sparking anger from Lincoln residents who received them in the post.

Leaflets depicting homosexuality as “the Devil’s delusion” are sparking anger from Lincoln residents who received them in the post.

Police are investigating reports, which suggest the Park Ward area of Lincoln has been targeted with the “offensive” flyers.

The leaflets, which do not state the involvement of a particular church, states that: “All sexual activity outside of the matrimonial union of one man and one woman is sin, and therefore immoral.”

Residents alerted Lincolnshire Police to the flyers, which have been deemed to contain homophobic content.

Officers have carried out a number of visits to residents who received the leaflets, and enquiries are being carried out in the centre of the city.

PC Luke Casey, of Lincoln Community Policing, said: “We have been made aware that a number of residents in the Park Ward area have had these leaflets posted through their front doors and we are investigating.

“The literature has caused offense to a number of people and we are carrying out enquiries to find out where and who these flyers have come from.

“Lincolnshire Police supports every person’s right to hold their own opinion and express it freely but when that expression causes others offense and worry we will step in.”

Anyone who has received one of the leaflets, or has any information relating to them, should contact Lincolnshire Police on 101 quoting incident 350 of 22/09/2014.

Residents are expressing concern over the possible link to the Lincoln Pride festival, which returns to the city on September 28.

The leaflet states: “Gay Pride marches are lewd, silly, and simply Satanic; the delight of demons.”

Event organiser Adam Shorter said: “Lincoln Pride organisers have sadly been made aware by a number of concerned members of the LGBT community that they have had what can only be described as a ‘anti-gay’ propoganda leaflet posted at their homes.

“As a community organisation we fully respect every persons right to free speech and opinion in a public forum, however this method of posting such distasteful leaflets at someones home is disrespectful and should not, in our opinion, not be allowed.

“There is potential that a brand new first year student having arrived in Lincoln only a week previous will be subjected to such negativity.

“This should not be the first impression any person receives of Lincoln, and it worries us that this type of propoganda could negatively effect a persons well being or make them question their sexuality or identity.”

A Lincoln resident added: “Although I am personally disgusted by this flyer I feel like something needs to be done because only months ago a young teenager in Lincoln took his own life for being bullied about Homosexuality.

“My fear is that a young person may read this and feel like there is something wrong with them.”