October 30, 2014 9.41 am This story is over 116 months old

Lincoln student bar The Shed to rebrand after legal challenge

Name change: The Lincoln SU bar The Shed is to be rebranded from November 14 due to legal challenges and members’ feedback.

The University of Lincoln Students’ Union bar The Shed is to be rebranded as The Swan from November 14 due to legal challenges and members’ feedback.

The Student Council and Executive Committee made the decision after a period of consultation, as well as feedback from the SU’s Freshers’s Week review.

In particular, members highlighted confusion with its other on-campus venue The Engine Shed.

The SU say that with the costs and feedback considered, there are no plans to protect the use of the name.

Despite the rebranding, everything else about the bar will remain the same.

The SU asked students for their choice of name in March 2014 following the takeover of the venue in January.

Some 2603 members voted with The Swan placing second, after The Shed.

Brian Alcorn, Students’ Union President said: “We recognise The Shed has been an important part of many Students’ lives whilst they have studied in Lincoln.

“With the feedback we received from Freshers, as well as the commercial problems the two similar names cause [The Shed and The Engine Shed], as well as potentially a legal challenge on the name, I am pleased Student Council have voted overwhelmingly to support the Executive Committee on this change.”

James Brooks, Chief Executive of the Students’ Union, added: “Whilst the name is changing, there will be no other changes to the service offered, we will continue to remain open and welcome new and old customers alike”.