October 7, 2014 11.25 am This story is over 123 months old

Lincolnshire businesses receive world-class customer service training

World-class welcome: Over 1,000 members of staff from Lincolnshire are taking part in a nationally-recognised World Host Customer Service training.

Over 1,000 members of staff from Lincolnshire are taking part in nationally-recognised World Host Customer Service training this week in a mission to improve the visitor experience in the area.

The training project falls alongside tourism preparations for Lincoln Castle’s big reveal and the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta.

Destination management organisations Visit Lincoln and Visit East Lincolnshire will work with businesses to roll out the World Host training programme.

The full day training course refreshes staff in excellence in customer care. It also provides an opportunity for delegates to learn about the local area.

The qualifications address one of the key priority areas, as identified by the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

The training is delivered over one day by either Boston College, Lincoln College, First College, North Lindsey College, Steadfast Training or Lagat. It is accredited by City & Guilds.

This training is available thanks to the European Social Fund and Skills Funding Agency co-funded Skills for the Workforce project.

Boston College is the contract holder for the project, which is worth £2.5 million to Greater Lincolnshire.

The first business to take part in the project, which launched on October 6, was the Whit Hart hotel in Lincoln.

Businesses wishing to take part can still do so by contacting [email protected] or 01522 852 705.

Emma Tatlow, Visit Lincoln Partnership Manager, said: “I am delighted to be working with General Manager Ian Robinson and his team at the White Hart who are the first team to take part in the WorldHost Customer Service qualification.

“Excellent customer service is an important element of the overall visitor experience. We want to support businesses and their staff to ensure that, as a city, the visitor welcome and knowledge of staff meets and exceeds visitors’ expectations.”

Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Member for Economic Development at Lincolnshire County Council, added: “This is excellent news for Greater Lincolnshire.

“2015 will be a big year for the county as the new and improved Lincoln Castle re-opens and we celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.

“This will draw thousands of new visitors to the area and by giving them a world-class welcome, we can keep them coming back for more. Make sure your business doesn’t miss out.”