October 16, 2014 11.31 am This story is over 123 months old

Skegness man gets three years jail sentence for robbery after death of Lincoln victim

Sentenced: A Skegness man charged with robbing an elderly Lincoln man, who died following the incident, has been jailed for three years.

A Skegness man charged with robbing an elderly Lincoln man, who died following the incident, has been jailed for three years.

As previously reported, on June 27 Michael Broxholme (69) had been walking along Hermit Street in Lincoln, when he passed Anthony Robertson (23) of Grosvenor Road in Skegness.

Broxholme, who suffered respiratory and mobility problems, was returning home from The Ritz pub on High Street when the incident took place.

Lincoln Crown Court heard that the two men “collided” with each other on the street, then Robertson pushed Broxholme to the ground and robbed him of his wallet.

The garages at the back of Portland Street. Photo: File/The Lincolnite

The garages at the back of Portland Street. Photo: File/The Lincolnite

Broxholme was taken to Lincoln County Hospital after the incident, suffering a broken pelvis.

He died on June 28, however it is still unconfirmed if his death was a result of being pushed to the ground by Robertson.

Robertson had taken legal highs and “illicit drugs” at the time of the incident, the court heard.

Being described as “full of remorse”, Robertson pleaded guilty to the robbery, and was handed a three year jail sentence on October 14 for the crime.

Judge Michael Heath described Robertson’s act as “despicable”.

He added: “Mr Broxholme was a harmless, pleasant man. […] He wasn’t a well man.

“You collided with him and knocked him to the floor. You had the presence of mind to help yourself to his wallet. You then left him lying in the road.”