December 12, 2014 9.37 am This story is over 121 months old

New 52-homes Lincoln estate approved amid flooding concerns

New Lincoln estate: Developers Chestnut Homes have been granted approval for a 52-home estate off Tritton Road in Lincoln.

Developers Chestnut Homes have been granted approval for a 52-home estate off Tritton Road in Lincoln, despite over 70 objections and concerns over flooding.

The plans, which went before the City of Lincoln Council’s planning committee on Wednesday, December 10, were approved with a number of conditions.

The 1.53 hectare site is located between existing residential development on Westbrooke Road and Tritton Road. It is privately owned and is principally unmanaged grassland with a few wooded areas.

The estate will be a mixture of bunglaows, houses and apartments, and will also include 11 affordable homes.

An overhead view of the proposed development off Tritton Road.

An overhead view of the proposed development off Tritton Road.

The site is in flood zone 2 and is adjacent to the Catchwater Drain, which a number of objections highlighted.

The proposal has been revised to provide a sustainable drainage system (SUDs) with on site swales and attenuation pond.

The finished floor levels will also be increased on average by 1m.

The applicant also proposed a bus stop on Tritton Road adjacent to the site. This has been declined by the Highway Authority due to the unsuitability of the location.

Kieron Manning, Planning Manager at the City of Lincoln Council, said: “The scheme was approved as the planning committee felt the development is sustainably located, well designed and provides much-needed housing within the city.

“All of the issues have been carefully considered and there are no outstanding objections from the statutory consultees. A number of conditions have, however, been attached to the consent, including further details regarding drainage.”

The conditions for the development were:

  • Development to commence within three years
  • Development in accordance with submitted drawings
  • Details of drainage scheme as requested by the Environment Agency (EA)
  • The approved details of the Flood Risk Assessment as requested by EA
  • Surface water drainage condition as required by Anglian Water
  • Materials to be submitted
  • Archaeology
  • Land contamination
  • Electric charging points on dwellings
  • Details of a construction environmental management plan.
  • Landscaping scheme to include details of the landscape buffer to Tritton
  • Road and the native planting buffer to the Catchwater Drain
  • Undertake monitoring of an existing nature on the site and details of appropriate mitigation where necessary prior to commencement of development.
  • Details of the proposed French drain to the rears of plots 12A to 31, and its on going management to be submitted
  • To-scale elevation drawings of the proposed boundary treatments along the rear boundary of plots 5 and 6 and 12A to 31 to be submitted.
  • Hours of working during the construction phase to be agreed.