February 13, 2015 10.07 am This story is over 119 months old

County Council to improve bus service to Lincoln villages

Bus service improvements: People who use the County Council’s CallConnect bus service will benefit from some new features this year.

Bus passengers in some of the most rural parts of Lincolnshire will benefit from an improved service from the County Council’s CallConnect bus service.

The rural bus service saw passenger figures rise to more than 322,000 in 2014, the biggest annual total since the service launched nearly 15 years ago. It represents a 5% growth in passenger numbers compared to 2013.

To cater for the increasing demand, the council is introducing a new online booking system and real-time vehicle tracking facility so that customers can track their bus up to one hour before departure.

The council will also continue to refurbish and and refresh the vehicles to improve the quality of the CallConnect fleet.

Passengers using the CallConnect bus service

Passengers using the CallConnect bus service

Councillor Richard Davies, Executive Member for Transport and Highways said: “We are delighted to announce another year of rising passenger numbers because this means we are continuing to reach out to more people in rural and isolated areas.

“CallConnect is a much valued service which is making a difference to more people’s lives every year. It’s important that we continue to move forward with new initiatives and a constant drive to make our services as efficient and effective as possible.”

The service operates between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 6pm on Saturdays.

Anyone wishing to find out more about the Lincolnshire service can call 0345 234 3344.