April 15, 2015 1.21 pm This story is over 117 months old

Appeal for help as new foodbank is launched in Lincoln

Reaching more people: Lincoln Community Larder have expanded with a second food bank, but they face losing their storage space.

Some 26 years after setting up its first foodbank, the Lincoln Community Larder is expanding its outreach and opening a second branch in the city.

Running as an addition to the foodbank at the YMCA Annexe in Rosemary Lane, the new service will run Wednesdays from 11am to 12 noon and Fridays between 9.30am and 10.30am ay St Giles Methodist Church on Addison Drive.

The team and volunteers behind the larder says it has seen a drop in city centre demand over the last 12 months, and trustees raised concerns that they are not reaching some of the people most in need and, in particular, families.

People have already begun using the service, who runs on Wednesdays and Fridays. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

People have already begun using the service, who runs on Wednesdays and Fridays. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

The new larder was launched on Wednesday, April 15 and, with the help of members of the St Giles Methodist Church, members of the community have already began seeking help from the service.

Tina James, Lincoln Community Larder Co-ordinator said: “We are anxious that people in need of our support should be able to reach us and if someone does not have money to buy food, then they won’t have the money for bus fare either.”

Anyone needing to use the service must be referred by one of the many agencies who hold vouchers – Citizens Advice Bureau, City Council Benefits Advice, Family Action, Surestart Children’s Centres, to name a few.

Further information and a full list of referrers can be obtained here.

It will be business as usual at the Rosemary Lane branch which will continue to open on Tuesday and Friday afternoons 1.30 – 3pm.

The Lincoln Community Larder are appealing for help storing their food stock.

The Lincoln Community Larder are appealing for help storing their food stock. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Can you help?

Alongside the expansion, Lincoln Community Larder faces losing its storage space at the end of April.

The larder is appealing for help from people and businesses with emergency space to store over one hundred cases of tinned food.

Tina James added: “As a long term measure we are looking for around 650sq ft plus, clean dry and vermin free. In the short term we can manage with a smaller area.

“If anyone has space they can spare for either the short or long term, purely for storage, we would be extremely grateful.”

Anyone who thinks they may be able to help with the appeal is asked to call 07719125772.