April 30, 2015 4.25 pm This story is over 110 months old

Chief executive to leave St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice

Job switch: The chief executive of St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice will leave the role and move on to the Lincolnshire West Clinical Commissioning Group.

The chief executive of St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice has announced her decision to leave the role and take up a position with the Lincolnshire West Clinical Commissioning Group.

Sarah-Jane Mills will move on on April 30 after nine years at the helm of the end of life support charity.

Her new position will see her lead the development of elective, cancer and palliative care services throughout Lincolnshire and support the development of primary care in Lincoln and the surrounding areas.

Sarah-Jane joined St Barnabas in 2006, after working in the NHS for 23 years.

She said: “It has been an incredible privilege to work for St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice and in particular to have met so many wonderfully dedicated individuals along the way.

“I have learnt from patients and their families about what really matters, I have learnt from volunteers the power of honesty that is driven by passion and I have learnt from colleagues just what can be achieved, even when it might seem impossible.

“I have met so many people. A family who felt their mum had been wrapped in a blanket when she came into our care, a son who descried the hospice as the place that helped his mum live and the wife who shared her embarrassment about feeling exhausted whist caring for her husband.

“I am really pleased that my new role will still provide me with the opportunity to work with colleagues to develop end of life care services.

“It is this rich tapestry of experiences that will stay with me long past my professional career. I am confident that St Barnabas will continue to help change social attitudes towards dying, expand their range of services and help people to live life to the full.”