April 16, 2015 7.00 am This story is over 117 months old

City of Lincoln Council election candidates – Abbey ward

Local elections 2015: Six candidates are battling for votes in the Abbey ward of Lincoln in the City Council elections.

Some six candidates are battling for votes in the Abbey ward of Lincoln in the city council elections, which take place on May 7.

Councillor Fay Smith, Labour candidate, is defending her position in the ward. Green, UKIP, Conservative, Liberal Democrats and TUSC are also fielding candidates in the ward.

The candidates are:

James Bird – Green


Jamie Bird

Age: Not provided
Marital status: Not provided

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

Residents of Abbey ward have the same needs and aspirations as people elsewhere in the country – they want to work for a fair wage, have a secure home and bring up their children in a safe and happy neighbourhood. There are many local groups and residents’ associations working hard to achieve these things and my role as councillor will be to listen carefully to them and represent their interests at the council level whilst also promoting environmental issues across the city.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I have worked in many different jobs including catering, teaching and caring for adults with learning disabilities. Whilst living in London I worked as an advisor, first in a Citizens’ Advice Bureau and then as a legal aid solicitor, specialising in debt, benefits, homelessness and child law. At the moment I work part-time as a labourer whilst also looking after my four children. I have a particular interest in the way that budget cuts are affecting families and the Green Party represents a real alternative to the mainstream consensus on austerity.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I love running – either on the streets or across country. It’s a fun way to keep fit, it’s free and a great way to explore your local area. My best marathon time is 3.27 but these days I don’t worry so much about how fast I’m going!

Chris Butler – UKIP

Christ Butler

Christ Butler

Age: 51
Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

Abbey ward has a problem and will this continue to grow with commuter and through traffic. It is a priority that we attack this on 2 fronts with an Eastern bypass to alleviate the need for traffic to enter the city to pass through the other side. Secondly, Lincoln has a relatively small centre. We have to offer alternative options rather than to drive in and park and to that end the city needs to offer a viable and inclusive Park & Ride scheme. Antisocial behaviour has to be tackled head on from all age groups.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I was born and raised in council house, in fact my dad still lives in the same house. I have also have extensive experience in industry having held senior positions with major national and international companies and now being self-employed I have a broad experience different environments. My wife is a Polish immigrant and have no problem with immigration however it has to be managed so that skills are compatible with needs whatever they maybe. I believe hard work can get you anywhere you want to go and social background isn’t a barrier if you have determination and desire.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I can speak 4 languages, 2 fluentish and 2 passable. I once went Siberia on my own for a look round. I managed a factory for a well known chocolate manufacturer and lost 10 kilos by eating chocolate…it was part of my job!

Yaroslav Pustarnakov – Conservative

Yaroslav Pustarnakov

Yaroslav Pustarnakov

Age: 21
Marital status: Single

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

By talking to people in the Abbey ward I have realised that amongst some concerns road maintenance and safety, and waste disposal and management are the two most prevalent issues.

To address these concerns I have a simple, yet effective plan. I will work with the different businesses and organisations in Lincoln, people in the Abbey Ward and the City Council on increasing awareness on the two issues. I will proceed by identifying areas of higher to lower priority with an initiative of improving conditions in those areas in collaboration with the City Council and the people in the ward.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I am in my second year in the University of Lincoln and I already know that success comes with the price of hard work. I take my academic studies very seriously, but it does not stop me from taking on more challenging tasks. In my time in the university I took upon myself extra curriculum activities, I have participated in more than one charity event, and now I am also undergoing training to become an officer in the British Army. I am hoping to bring the same work ethics and hard work if I become elected as your councillor.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I was born in the Russian family in the country of Uzbekistan. In my lifetime I have lived in more than two countries, and I have visited many places in the EU. I am grateful for the experiences I had because they have broadened my mind.

Aarron Smith – Liberal Democrats

Aarron Smith

Aarron Smith

Age: 28
Marital status: Living with partner

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

The main issues in Abbey are high levels of crime and anti-social behaviour, the availability of good quality affordable housing and lack of support to help find employment. I would hold regular sessions to help support people with employment and organise local recruitment workshops, work alongside the police to ensure priorities are in line with local issues as the current Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership appear to have road safety as a priority however violent crime, criminal damage and vehicle crimes do not appear on the list and are frequent. I will be a voice for urban renewal.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I believe in a fair society where everyone deserves to have a voice, everyone deserves a good standard of living and everyone deserves to live without prejudice or discrimination. I believe that the people should be involved in running their communities and as a community we can fight poverty and ignorance. It is important to elect Liberal Democrat councillors to ensure that everyone is represented fairly and equally.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I met the Queen when I received my Queen Scout Award.

Fay Smith – Labour

Fay Smith

Fay Smith

Age: 72
Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

The condition of some of the privately owned and rented housing. Flytipping, dog fouling and refuse bins left on streets. As an existing councillor, I have already set up a small team to explore options for tackling flytipping. I hope that by liaising with community groups and contractors we can come up with an effective action plan that will go some way towards tackling this issue. Staff are already following a procedure which hopefully will remind residents that bins should be removed from the street after their bin has been emptied.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

My experience as a councillor. I have been privileged to represent Abbey Ward on the City of Lincoln Council since first being elected in 1998.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I am interested in D.I.Y and was persuaded some years ago to go on a bricklaying course at Lincoln College which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Danny Wilkinson – TUSC

Danny Wilkinson

Danny Wilkinson

Age: 25
Marital status: Single

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

I think residents feel unrepresented by politicians and councillors, and need to be included in decision making which affects them.

Growing poverty is a major concern, caused by high rents, low wages and unemployment, worsened by cuts to public services and benefits. I would fight for a cap on rents, a living wage, and fully funded services accessible to anyone who needs them.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I’ve worked in many zero hours, minimum wage jobs, and currently work in the public sector. I have felt the effects of inequality and austerity firsthand.

I have campaigned alongside other TUSC candidates against the bedroom tax, zero hours contracts and cuts to the fire service and NHS, and for a living wage and renationalisation of the railways. I care about these issues and if elected I intend to continue campaigning outside the council chamber as well as within.


Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

‘I love folk and punk music and used to host a local music radio show. I’m also a union rep and international officer in my workplace’s union branch.