April 16, 2015 7.03 am This story is over 110 months old

City of Lincoln Council election candidates – Boultham ward

Local elections 2015: Five candidates are standing in the City of Lincoln Council elections in the Boultham ward.

A total of five candidates are standing in the City of Lincoln Council elections in the Boultham ward.

Labour’s Gary Hewson is defending seat, with the Conservatives, Greens, Liberal Democrats and UKIP also fielding candidates.

Ryan Brown – Green

Ryan Brown

Ryan Brown

Age: Not provided

Marital status: Not provided

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

Boultham ward will be heavily affected by the western growth corridor. This scheme would see houses built on a flood plain. We need to ensure that these houses are not built, and instead find a location for sustainable local authority housing, to help solve the housing crisis in Lincoln.

Secondly we need to ensure that the ballast hole rail crossing remains open. It provides vital access to services to the Hartsholme estate. Should this crossing close it would mean more cars on the road and less people out enjoying our world class nature reserve.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I have lived on the Hartsholme estate in the Boultham ward all my life. I have experienced the same issues over the last 20 years that all other local residents have felt. Therefore I know and understand local issues.

I am a local resident who truly wants to represent the people of my area and ensure they get a great public service from their local council, which they certainly deserve. I am young, passionate, and bring a breath of fresh air to an outdated political system.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I have studied martial arts for the last six years and I am currently a red belt in Taekwondo. I hope to carry on and achieve my black belt in the next few years.

Gary Hewson – Labour

Gary Hewson

Gary Hewson

Age: 65

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if re-elected as a city councillor?

Planning applications are always a concern to residents. We all I believe recognise the need for more housing but with that comes changes and with that comes objections but refusals can only carry any weight with legitimate reasons not to have that change. So I always strive to get the best for those with objections and benefit the wider picture.

Traffic issues regarding the schools or the new developments that have taken place and to work with the highways and police to resolve the problems.

Another issue is the Boultham Park upgrade.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I am sure the rest of the candidates are all nice people who want to win like I do. But I have always been available and there to take the rough with the smooth with our surgeries and all other communication methods.

I or one of the team knock on every door in the run up to the election so you have a chance to see the person behind the name.

I live in the ward, know all the ward and have walked every street many times.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I got the nickname Walkabout Gary because of not always going to the correct microphone in the Cathedral to give speeches whilst I was Mayor of Lincoln.

Lynn Pepper – Liberal Democrats

Lynn Pepper

Lynn Pepper

Age: 60

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

Traffic congestion is one issue in the ward. The area around the Skellingthorpe Road level crossing and junction with Tritton Road needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency, especially in the light of the future development of Swanpool, which will increase the problem. There are already bottle-necks and improvements would need to take the longer term view, not just a short term quick fix.

We also need to ensure we prioritise green public transport in the area if the Swanpool development is to go ahead and continue the development of the cycle hire scheme and safe cycle paths.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

Politics needs to have a sense of community again. There needs to be a link with the local representative who listens to the people of the ward. I would stand up for those in Boultham and ensure they have a strong voice on the council.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I am a trained chef.

Christopher Reid – Conservative

Chris Reid

Chris Reid

Age: 20

Marital status: Single

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

If elected I will push for investment into Boultham Park to be maintained and improved upon to ensure that it remains an important part of the area and that residents are able to continue to enjoy it. I also think that certain areas of the ward could benefit from redevelopment and investment in more housing.

Also issues with anti-social behaviour and littering should be addressed in order to make the ward an even better place in which to live.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

As a resident of Lincoln I believe that it should be the first and foremost duty of a city councillor to be accountable to their electorate. If elected I believe that I should work to make sure that I am working for the people that have elected me.

I would strive to ensure that I would be accountable to the electorate and to hold regular surgeries so that I am able to do the best possible job as your representative on the city council. As a young candidate I would also bring enthusiasm and dedication to the role.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I spent the night sleeping rough for local charities earlier in this year. I also helped the University Conservative Society beat the Labour Society in a friendly football match, by scoring six times!

Tim Richens – UKIP

Tim Richens

Tim Richens

Age: 63

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

If elected I would support and help fund the Boultham Park Restoration Project.

I would oppose the Swanpool development as it is in a flood plain.

I would push for a park and ride scheme within the city limits.

Like our county councillors, I would strive for 100% attendance as well.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I can devote all my time for the council as I am retired. As a UKIP councillor, I do not have to tow the party line. As my wife and I ran our ran Fircroft Hotel on Newark Road for many years, I became well acquainted with the people of Boultham and their concerns.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I was the first winner of BBC Radio 2’s general knowledge quiz hosted by Anniker Rice.