April 23, 2015 1.12 pm This story is over 117 months old

New Teal Park business development to create 100 jobs

Business development: NKDC’s project to develop 19 new business units on Teal Park has been unanimously approved.

The green light has been given by North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) for a £2 million business development at Teal Park, near Lincoln.

The council’s plans for 19 industrial units, were approved unanimously April 22, and around 100 jobs are expected to be created as a result.

Work will start by June 1 on the units, which range from 500 – 2,000 sq ft, with an anticipated completion of November.

Once built, NKDC expect that over the next 25 years, they will be able to support 98 businesses and create/safeguard around 280 jobs.

The scheme would build on the council’s £21 million capital programme for supporting business growth.

The council recognised there is a continuing need for new units to support new fledgling and expanding businesses, without the increased risk of committing to too long a lease.

Members of the committee were happy with the plans for NKDC to support new businesses in a rapidly growing area. However, recommendations for the development included renewable energy sources such as solar panels and to make sure that the area is built with security in mind.

There will be 29 parking spaces on the site, of which six could be used for disabled persons.

The development site forms part of the Teal Park allocated employment site, which was granted outline planning permission in 2011, for a total of 133,720m2 of employment, floorspace, a hotel, public house, leisure and trade showroom floorspace.

The site sits in an area initially identified as ‘Phase 2′ of the Teal Park development and is at the boundary with the Phase 1 part of the site.

At 87.2 acres, Teal Park is the largest new Employment Park in the East Midlands. The adjacent A46 Lincoln bypass has undergone a comprehensive upgrade and now provides a direct dual carriageway access off Whisby Road into the development which the committee members also felt was ideal for the area.

Teal Park is also home to Siemens industrial gas turbine service business which occupies a 135,000 sq ft facility.

Lewis Cove of Hodgson Elkington, who assisted in the sale, said: “It was recognised that there is a continuing need for smaller flexible industrial space in the South East of Lincoln and it is hoped that the combination of modern premises in an excellent location and on flexible lease terms will provide much needed supply for an obvious gap in the market.

“These units will have B1, B2 and B8 use class consent so we envisage they will attract a whole mix of different uses from general storage to and distribution to business and general industrial.”