July 2, 2015 1.49 pm This story is over 112 months old

New providers for homelessness support and home care in Lincolnshire

New providers: New support services for homeless adults and home care are being put in place following a re-tendering process.

New support services for homeless adults and home care are being put in place following re-tendering for new contracts at Lincolnshire County Council.

Services including short-term crisis housing, outreach services, longer-term and domestic abuse accommodation came into force on July 1.

Previously, accommodation support wasn’t offered in all districts in Lincolnshire and different services were offered in different locations.

This meant people often had to travel across the county to access short-term or longer-term housing.

Now, there is provision in every district of the county from a number of various providers.

There is also be a countywide ‘floating’ support service to prevent people becoming homeless, and a rough sleeper outreach service.

Domestic Abuse Refuge Accommodation contracts and the Mental Health Crisis Housing contract have also been re-tendered.

The providers are:

  • Framework HA (Boston, North Kesteven, Lincoln and South Holland areas)
  • Lincolnshire Support Partnership (South Kesteven and West Lindsey areas)
  • The Salvation Army (East Lindsey area).
  • Contracts for a countywide ‘floating’ support service to prevent people becoming homeless, and a rough sleeper outreach service have been awarded to social inclusion charity P3

Domestic Abuse Refuge Accommodation contracts have also been re-tendered and a countywide contract awarded to West Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service.

The Mental Health Crisis Housing contract has also been re-tendered and awarded to the Richmond Fellowship. This contract is managed by Lincolnshire County Council and funded by Lincolnshire’s four Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

Cllr Patricia Bradwell, executive councillor for adult care and health at Lincolnshire County Council, said:

“We have re-procured and combined a whole host of contracts for services which support people’s housing needs, whether these are for ongoing issues, or when they’re going through times of difficulty.

“There will now be support available right across the county in every district, and it will be much easier to access.”

12 home care providers, from 70

Following a separate procurement process, the council has agreed 12 prime providers for adult home care for different county zones.

Previously the council had contracted directly with over 70 businesses just for home care services.

There are currently around 75 children with disabilities receiving home care. The exercise has also agreed a contract for two providers to deliver home care for children with disabilities.

Contracts with the following providers are in place for the next three years with the opportunity to extend for a further two:

Adults Home Care providers

Adults Home Care providers

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell added: “We’re writing to everyone who currently has care in their own home to explain if there is any change to their provider. I want to reassure people that even if there is a change of provider or carer, the type of care they receive will not change.

“The new contracts will begin on September 26. Between now and then we will be working closely with all providers, both in the new and old contracts, to make that the transition period is as smooth as possible for people and there is minimum disruption to their care.”

A full list of the new providers is available online.

Anyone wishing to find out more about how their care provider is affected can call to speak to a member for the Adult Care team on 01522 554714.