August 18, 2015 1.47 pm This story is over 108 months old

Cat put down after being poisoned with antifreeze in Lincoln

Lincoln poisoning: A pet cat in Lincoln has become the latest victim of a spate of poisonings in the county, and has been put down by owners.

A pet cat in Lincoln has become the latest victim of a spate of poisonings in the county, and has been put down by owners.

Alerts were issued at the end of July for the Boston area after as many at 44 felines were fatally poisoned, leaving residents devastated.

Lincolnshire Police launched an investigation into the cat killings, which have been flagged as poisoning by anti-freeze, and marked as a “deliberate act” by RSPCA and police.

The latest poisoning occurred in Lincoln between Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8.

A cat from Prial Avenue was made ill after coming into contact with toxic antifreeze, and was put down as a result.

Antifreeze poisoning can cause pain, suffering, distress, and ultimately, death.

The RSPCA has issued advise and symptoms to look out for:

“If you suspect your pet’s come into contact with antifreeze, leaked water coolant or if showing any of these symptoms, get them to a vet immediately:


•Seeming depressed/sleepy

•Appearing drunk and uncoordinated

•Seizures (fits)

•Difficulty breathing

•Increased thirst

•Increased urination

Signs of antifreeze poisoning can show 30 minutes after ingestion. It can be two/three days before signs of kidney failure are seen.”

Poisoning cats can constitute a criminal offence; under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 the maximum penalty for anyone found guilty is up to 6 months imprisonment and/or a £20,000 fine.

Anyone with information relating to this crime should contact 101 quoting the crime number 15000074631.

Alternatively, people can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.