November 2, 2015 12.09 pm This story is over 105 months old

Planned 500-bed student blocks would “relieve pressure” on Lincoln private housing

Student accommodation: An application which would see up to 500 new student bedspaces created on Brayford Marina has been submitted to City of Lincoln Council.

An application which would see up to 500 new student bedspaces created on Brayford Marina has been submitted to City of Lincoln Council.

The University of Lincoln is expanding year-on-year, and has applied for the erection of 48 apartments across three new buildings on the site to cater for the additional influx of students.

In addition to the student apartments, 220 square metres of commercial space would be created, which could be used for businesses, as shops, a restaurant or cafe, or for further accommodation.

Commercial space in the region of 86 square metres would be put aside for the Brayford Trust as part of the proposed development on the site currently used as a car park.

An existing two-storey building on Campus Way would be demolished to make way for the new apartments and an enhanced public walkway would be constructed around the edge of the Brayford Pool.

The site for the new proposals. Photo: Church Lukas

The site for the new proposals. Photo: Church Lukas

Globe Consultants, who have produced the planning report for the university, said: “Within Lincoln it is considered that student living can play a major role in the economic and societal development of the city centre, and contribute to its viability and vitality, whilst assisting in its regeneration.

“It is clear that the proposed development is supported not only by national planning policy but is also in accordance with the policies of the City of Lincoln Local Plan.

“It would deliver the Local Plan aspirations for the Revival Area and Central Mixed Use Area, see the regeneration of a underutilised site in the heart of the city, as well as enhancing the vitality and viability of the wider Brayford Pool Environment.”

Photo: Church Lukas

Photo: Church Lukas

A University of Lincoln spokesman added: “The university has submitted a planning application to create high-quality new student accommodation on the Brayford Pool Campus.

“The development would provide rooms for around 500 students, relieving pressure on private rented housing in the city.

Photo: Church Lukas

Photo: Church Lukas

“We have worked closely with the local planning authority and other stakeholders to shape the proposal, which will contribute to the continued revival of the Brayford Pool while ensuring Cathedral views are protected.

“This is direct investment by the university and forms part of our Brayford Campus Masterplan granted outline planning permission in 2012.”

The application can be viewed online on City of Lincoln Council’s website.