November 21, 2015 5.53 pm This story is over 105 months old

Restaurant workers campaign for £10 minimum wage in Lincoln city centre protest

Higher wages: A union campaigning for restaurant and fast food outlet workers to receive improved pay has held a protest in Lincoln city centre on Saturday, November 21.

A union campaigning for restaurant and fast food outlet workers to receive improved pay has held a protest in Lincoln city centre on Saturday, November 21.

The ‘Hungry For Justice’ campaign saw a number of Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union members march along High Street from the Stonebow at noon.

Activists, joined by representatives from Lincoln TUC and Unite Union, called for a rise in the minimum wage to £10 per hour and an end to zero-hour contracts.

Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Heading the protest was Jade Clarke from Lincoln, a member of staff at Nando’s in the city.

She said: “We’re here to protest against zero-hour contracts, against poverty wages in the food industry, particularly because those under 21 are being paid less, which we think is age discrimination.

“We’re also trying to fight for sick pay in the workplace. Also, health and safety in the food industry is quite poor – if equipment is broken it’s not replaced quickly and is a hazard to us.

“Generally, the respect for people in this industry is really low and we all deserve better.”