December 22, 2015 1.21 pm This story is over 104 months old

Lincoln man who flipped his car thanks good samaritans who called for help

Gratitude: A Lincoln motorist who crashed his car into a ditch has praised an unnamed passer-by who pulled over to help.

A Lincoln motorist who crashed his car into a ditch has praised unnamed passers-by who pulled over at the side of a busy dual carriageway and called 999.

James Manley was driving north along the A46 on the afternoon of December 21 when he flipped his car just after the Halfway House roundabout.

Fellow drivers who witnessed the accident stopped by the side of the road and immediately called the emergency services while checking that James was ok.

The men waited until emergency services arrived and gave the police reports of what had happened as paramedics were checking over James, who was shaken but not injured as a result of the crash.

In expressing his gratitude to the men and emergency services, James said: “I didn’t get chance to get the names of the men involved, but I would like to send out my thanks, as this is a very busy time of year and they took the time out of their day to help out a stranger.

“I hope someone knows them and can pass on my wishes and hope they have a Merry Christmas, as if circumstances were slightly different, I may not have been here for this one.”

One of those who helped James was Shaun Young, who identified himself on The Lincolnite’s Facebook page.

He said: “You are very welcome James! It was a crazy one, happened so fast, just glad you crawled out in one piece (all be it after you gathered up your phone and wallet haha!)

“I would like to think someone else would do the same if it was me in his situation. Was amazing to see a fair few running to help! Faith in humanity restored!”