January 7, 2016 3.58 pm This story is over 103 months old

Four wards reopen at Lincoln hospital, but seven still affected by norovirus outbreak

Wards remain affected: Seven wards at Lincoln County Hospital still remain affected by the norovirus outbreak but the hospital believes it has “turned the corner” in controlling the bug.

The head of nursing at the trust that runs Lincolnshire’s hospitals has said that she is confident that Lincoln County Hospital has “turned the corner” in containing the norovirus outbreak.

Seven wards are still affected by the winter vomiting bug, with one ward still closed to new admissions and another six restricted.

The picture has improved since earlier in the week, when 11 wards were affected by the bug.

Despite this, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust remains cautious about predicting a time when the outbreak would be fully controlled, almost three weeks on since visiting restrictions and ward closures were put in place.

Bridy Clark, Head of Nursing at ULHT, said that the majority of new cases of norovirus were now being caused by new admissions, rather than patients already inside the hospital.

She said: “Visiting restrictions remain in place and small children should especially avoid visiting the hospital.

“Working in the NHS is a challenge and this has certainly been a challenge.

“Our nurses have stepped up to the plate and I am proud of our staff and how ULHT has come together.”

Bridy also explained that nurses have a “duty of candour” to patients to inform them of the latest developments in the hospital.

“We aim to be transparent and haven’t tried to cover up anything with our patients who have understood the situation.

“Being in hospital is risky as you are surrounded by people who are unwell and vulnerable themselves.

“We don’t have well patients and make them unwell – they are unwell which is the reason they need to go to hospital in the first place.”

People worried about prolonged symptoms should contact NHS 111 or ring their GP.

They should not visit their surgery or Accident and Emergency.