January 18, 2016 3.53 pm This story is over 103 months old

Over 260 Station Road homes and fishing centre to get council decision

Decision looms: Multi-million-pound plans for 263 homes, a care home and a fishing centre in North Hykeham will be tabled at a North Kesteven District Council planning meeting.

Multi-million-pound plans for 263 homes, a care home and a fishing centre off Station Road in North Hykeham will be tabled at a North Kesteven District Council planning meeting this month.

As previously reported, the major development by applicants Leafbridge Limited would be located on the former Lincoln Castings landfill site on the west side of Station Road, just north of the Lincoln to Nottingham railway line.

It shares a common boundary with the (now closed) North Hykeham tip and sand and gravel operations, behind which lies Teal Park.

The brownfield site, extending to 17.36 hectares, was initially earmarked for almost 300 homes, a hotel and additional amenities.

The brownfield site in historic pictures.

The brownfield site in historic pictures.

Following recommendations by North Kesteven District Council, plans have been revised with the hotel replaced by open space and the number of homes reduced.

The package would include up to 30% affordable housing (79 dwellings) and contributions would be made by the application for education, health, recreation and highways provisions totalling over £3 million.

Artist Impression of the proposed development. Design: Core Architects.

Artist Impression of the proposed development. Design: Core Architects.

Contributions would go towards enhancement of the Station Road level crossing, the Lincoln Southern Bypass, new sports facilities and primary care NHS facilities.

A number of concerns were highlighted in the report, including the potential noise and relationship with Teal Park, which (with the potential for 24 hour operation at business sites) is regarded as a “bad neighbour”.

Local resident Nathan Gray submitted an objection in response to the plans on the grounds “the local road network will be unable to cope with the additional traffic.”

Lindum Group, which is located on Lindum Business Park on Station Road, also objected, stating: “The application is not socially sustainable with the proposed residential/commercial uses.

“Together with the proximity of the railway line, it is considered that the proposed development will offer a poor standard of amenity for future occupants.”

The conclusion of the report reads: “This is not an obvious site for a predominantly residential led mixed use scheme, being sandwiched between the Lincoln to Nottingham railway line on one side and the North Hykeham landfill site, the Energy from Waste plant and Teal Park on the other, and having historically been used for gravel extraction and for the disposal of foundry waste.

“On balance and subject to further assessment of noise and layout at the reserved matters stage, it is considered that the proposed development is acceptable and that the impacts of the development can be mitigated through imposition of suitable planning conditions and through the proposed Section 106 Planning Obligation.”

It has been recommended that planning permission is granted subject to an extensive list of conditions.

The council’s planning committee will consider the scheme at a meeting on Tuesday, January 26.